IMSA - Michelin Pilot Challenge
11.03.2025 Celso Neto
Alongside American driver Ryan Eversley, the Brazilian aims for a strong result after a promising debut at Daytona.
11.03.2025 Celso Neto
Ao lado do americano Ryan Eversley, brasileiro mira o bom resultado após estreia promissora em Daytona.
24.01.2025 Celso Neto
After a stint of over two and a half hours in Daytona, Celso secures third place alongside his teammate Ryan Eversley.
24.01.2025 Celso Neto
Após stint de mais de duas horas e meia em Daytona, Celso garante o terceiro lugar ao lado do parceiro de equipe, Ryan Eversley.
23.01.2025 Celso Neto
The duo of Neto and Ryan Eversley secured fourth place on the starting grid for the Michelin Pilot Challenge.
23.01.2025 Celso Neto
A dupla de Neto com Ryan Eversley garantiu a quarta colocação no grid de largada da Michelin Pilot Challenge.
23.01.2025 Celso Neto
Brazilian driver showcases his talent alongside American teammate Ryan Eversley behind the wheel of the Precision Racing LA Audi RS3.
23.01.2025 Celso Neto
Brasileiro mostra seu talento ao lado do americano Ryan Eversley a bordo do Audi RS3 da Precision Racing LA.
21.01.2025 Celso Neto
The Brazilian driver is ready to race the Audi RS3 and aims for his first victory alongside experienced teammate Ryan Eversley.
21.01.2025 Celso Neto
O piloto de Salvador está pronto para acelerar o Audi RS3 e busca sua primeira vitória ao lado do experiente Ryan Eversley.